Helping you preserve and grow your personal wealth

Helping you preserve and grow your personal wealth

Econ Financial Services (“EFS”) is a boutique financial planning firm located in the Sydney CBD. We have been providing advice since 1998 and were granted our own Australian Financial Services Licence in 2005.

Specialising in wealth creation and wealth preservation, EFS is committed to assisting individuals and families who are seeking to preserve and grow their personal wealth. We pride ourselves on keeping it simple and ensuring you understand how your money is being managed.

Our Services

Offering you a range of financial services that are tailored to your specific needs.

Best organic food


Superannuation Solutions (including SMSF)

Retirement Planning
& Aged Care

Our Partners

Our Services

Our Services

Our Services

Offering you a range of financial services that are tailored to your specific needs.

Our Services


Our Services

Superannuation Solutions (including SMSF)

Our Services

Retirement Planning & Aged Care Solutions

Our Services

Our Partners

Find out more

Please contact us to discuss your investment requirements or to find out more about our investment opportunities.